Refurbished Poetry of Places Website Features Lynn Poetry
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Refurbished Poetry of Places Website Features Lynn Poetry

By Carl Carlsen


The Poetry of Places in Essex County, a literary website sponsored by North Shore Community College featuring poetry of Lynn, Gloucester and Nahant, has been recently refurbished, restored and expanded. The Lynn portion of the site was first posted over twenty years ago, with Gloucester and Nahant following in subsequent years, and over time, links on the site, as well as audio and video clips, have degraded. Repair work, begun in the fall of 2022, has now been completed.


Pithy audio clips from Lynn-born poet Vincent Ferrini are among the many “bells and whistles” that are working again. On the website, Lynn residents can find poems written over the centuries about High Rock, Egg Rock, Dungeon Rock and Lynn Woods. Photographs, paintings, postcards and histories of these places accompany the poems, in addition to biographies of the


The Gloucester portion of the site has been expanded to include new poems about Dogtown from an award-winning book, poems inspired by John Sloan’s paintings of Dogtown, and a poem commemorating the upcoming 400th anniversary of Gloucester.


Be sure to go to to see it all for yourself.