Exhibition Opening Reception: “Through a Rainbow Lens, a Reflection on Lynn’s LGBTQ+ History”
“Through A Rainbow Lens, A Reflection on Lynn’s LGBTQ+ History,” an exhibit that spans nearly a century of city history, covers everything from Lynn’s nearly 20 gay bars to members of the city’s LGBTQ+ community who went on to national fame. The project features over two dozen filmed interviews with members of the city’s LGBTQ+ community, some dating back 40 years, and over 500 photos, fliers, posters, and dozens of news articles.
The exhibit opens with a public reception on June 5th at 5:30 p.m. at the Lynn Museum & Arts Center, followed by a panel discussion at 6:00 p.m. moderated by Cristela Guerra, senior arts and culture reporter at WBUR. The panel features Dr. Drew Darien, Humanities Advisor, Cristian Recinos, web designer, and Dr. Pat Gozemba, LGBTQ+ History Advisor. The exhibit runs through October 31st.
United Lynn Pride produced the project in collaboration with Salem State University, the Lynn Museum & Arts Center, and The History Project, an LGBTQ+ archive in Boston, MA. United Lynn Pride received a $20,000 grant from Mass Humanities’ “Expand Mass Stories” initiative.