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July M.E.S.A. with The Brickyard Collaborative

Ted Dillard, Founder and Director of Lynn’s Brickyard Collaborative, explains how this unique mix of maker space, innovative incubator place and provider of community STEM education has grown since its founding in February 2019. Ted will share how the Brickyard Collaborative is making a difference

Call for Art: Lynn PRIDE

2021 “Lynn PRIDE” Art Show - Call for Art   Name of Venue or Event: Lynn Museum/LynnArts (590 Washington Street, Lynn, MA 01901)   Work Media: We are looking for paintings, photographs, poetry, prints, sculpture and other visual artworks to celebrate Lynn’s queer community. The exhibition will be located

Bite-Size Lynnformation: Episode 4

By Dakota Carnes   Lynn Museum Podcast · Bite-Size Lynnformation: Episode 4   Ever wondered about what goes on inside the Fluff factory? Or about other flavors of Marshmallow Fluff? Wait no longer! Andrew Durkee has answers to all of these questions!     To access the transcript for this episode, click

Lynn’s Gem: Lynn Woods

By Rianon Prushinski   Lynn Woods Reservation, found on Pennybrook Road, is a 2,2000-acre park that offers trails for running, hiking, biking, horseback riding, etc. The Reservation was founded in 1881. It occupies a lot of space and is the second-largest municipal park in the United States.

Bite-Size Lynnformation: Episode 3

By Dakota Carnes Lynn Museum Podcast · Bite-Size Lynnformation: Episode 3   Lynn is known for the shoe factories that ran the city. But what about the silk mills? What about those who worked there? This episode talks about James Halliday, a wood carver who created many printing

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